My school has blocked the College Tools chrome extension

Some schools may restrict the installation of certain Chrome extensions, such as College Tools. You can quickly identify if this restriction is in place if you encounter a message like the following when trying to download our chrome extension:

Your admin has blocked this item (ID: iiikmhonbbmbdjfokdmmncdohjionkmf)

If this is the case, just follow these simple steps:

  1. On your computer, open Chrome.
  2. At the top right, click on Profile >  Sync is on.
  3. Click Turn off.

If you have the Chrome extension installed but encounter an infinite "loading extension" screen upon clicking the toolbar icon, it's likely that the organisation's WiFi is blocking College Tools. Here’s what you can do:

  1. Enable your preferred VPN.
  2. Turn it on, then refresh the page.
  3. Click again on the College Tools Chrome extension. If the loading screen disappears and you can access the extension settings, this indicates that the WiFi was blocking our software.
  4. Now, simply use the VPN every time you use that same wifi, and you will be able to use our software without any issues.